Ayurveda views the intake of all six tastes as imperative for good health. Vata is balanced by the sweet, sour and salty tastes. People with Vata-dominant constitutions need food - frequent, small, nourishing meals. They have the highest BMR and a tendency to be completely out-of-check with their appeptite cues. Think the ectomorph.
Vata's benefit most from carb + high quality fats, which are the easiest macros to digest (they tend to have a weaker digestive strength). Spice is pro-metabolic as it increases agni and should be taken in moderation in Vata types. It improves the power of digestion, but also does a whole lot of unneccesary stripping.
When preparing your Vata balancing meal, think warming, unctuous (that's fat, yes quality unprocessed fat) and liquid nature and incorporate plenty of herbs and spice.
How does that translate to portion sizes?
Protein (animal + plant-based) | 1.5 fists |
Green veg | 1 fists |
Fat | 2 tsps |
Spice | 1 tsp |
Carbs (grain + starchy veg) | 2 fists |
Ayurvedic food principles
Fruits // Many fruits are classified as either sweet or sour depending on how ripe the fruit is and the variety. Stick to ripe, in-season fruits and eat them separately in moderation. Stewing or baking fresh fruits or soaking dried fruits in warm water are best. Avoid astringent, bitter-tasting fruits such as cranberries or unripe fruit.
Vegetables // All cooked vegetables, especially colourful root vegetables, well-cooked onions and garlic and leafy greens prepared with spicy herbs and lashings of good quality fats and oils. Avoid raw vegetables.
Grains and cereals // Basmati rice, brown rice, cooked oats, pastas and couscous – especially taken as soupy casseroles or stews. Minimise dried cereals, corn, millet, crackers, popcorn and rice cakes.
Legumes // Consume in moderation. Green mung dahl is best. Pre-soak, cook well with lots of warming spices such as ginger and garlic and consume with warm broths. Avoid gas-forming legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, red and brown lentils, soy beans and split peas.
Nuts and seeds // Eat almost any nut in moderation – consume raw. Soak in warm water to remove skins when possible. Oily whole nut spreads are also very nutritious.
Dairy // Full-fat unprocessed dairy taken warm when possible. Yoghurt, buttermilk and cheese in moderation. Avoid soy milk and ice cream or cold milk which are harder to digest.
Oils and fats // Consume plenty of high quality fats including ghee, butter, almond and sesame oil. Keep margarine, corn, mustard and vegetable oils to a minimum.
Meat and animal products // Meat can be harsh on the digestive system. When in need of a protein hit favour high-quality sustainably sourced animal products such as organic egg whites, free-range chicken and salmon.
Spices // Spices and herbs should be used as much as possible to improve taste and digestibility. As with everything, use any single spice or herb in moderation.
Beverages // Take warm water and plenty of sweet, warming or spicy herbal teas, almond milk – especially homemade almond milk – is a beautiful source of protein. Indulge in the occasional aged wine. Minimise caffeine, cold water and spirits.
Sweeteners // Natural sugars consumed meals are an excellent way to build tissues and maintain fluid balance – just try to minimise honey (constipating) and avoid white sugar.
Triphala is the best digestive tonic to balance the Vata digestive system.
MA diet charts are just a guide - the most important factor in Ayurvedic dietetics is understanding the overall energetics of food. This includes food preparation. here are our top Ayurveda tips for healthy Vata.