The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)

The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 1The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 2The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 3The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 4The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 5The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 6The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 7The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 8The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)
Product image 9The Reset - 2 Night Ayur-Yoga Retreat (MA x GDY)

Regular price $4,598.00

Villa Options (early bird prices, for two people)

After hosting multiple sold-out day-retreats over the past 18 months, Madeleine the Modern Ayurvedic and Gen from Green Door Yoga have felt a deep pull towards facilitating longer, multi-night events for you to truly immerse yourself in the Ayur-Yoga experience.  

With this intention, ‘The Reset’ was born 

This practitioner-led retreat aims to educate you in, and guide you through, the ancient Yogic and Ayurvedic principles to optimise your way of living in the modern world. 
To restart your dinacharya, your daily routine.  
To realign you with ritucharya, your seasonal routine. 
To re-awaken that sense of inner knowing. 
To rebalance. 
To Reset. 

Join us for a two-night retreat at Seascape Retreat - nestled into the rolling hills of Hindmarsh Valley, South Australia, with picturesque views to the sea.  

This retreat is uniquely intimate and limited to just three pairs of people (one pair per villa). To facilitate openness and vulnerability, this will be a female only offering, for women and those identifying as female. Whether you’re attending with your partner, your close friend, or your parent or sister, we’re using the concept of kalyana mitra, or spiritual friend. By moving through this experience together, you’re able to support, uplift, and encourage each other not only on the retreat, but as you re-enter back into your everyday life.  



  • An ayurvedic health consultation with Madeleine to determine your natural doshic constitution (prakriti) and discuss health goals/concerns (vikriti) 

  • An initial yoga therapy consultation with Gen to create a holistic yoga practice tailored entirely to you, helping you achieve a state of empowered wellbeing 

  • The aim is for you to come into The Reset having connected with both practitioners to create a foundation of health, already understanding your current state, and having the tools to move forwards in your journey to wellbeing 


  • Luxury private accommodation in the Hindmarsh Valley 

  • Daily Ayurvedic workshops with Madeleine, to strengthen your Ayurvedic knowledge; its foundational principles, balancing lifestyle practices, dietetics and more. 

  • Daily therapeutic yoga and meditation classes with Gen, to embody your understanding of Yoga, its healing qualities, and how it can be threaded into your life to enhance your wellbeing. 

  • Delicious home-cooked Ayurvedic meals, designed to strengthen your agni (digestive fire), reduce ama (toxic accumulations) and reconnect you back to the concept of ‘food as medicine’. 

  • Thoughtful Ayurvedic refreshments and teas. 

  • S p a c e . . . to journal, read, explore the bushland, relax in your villa taking in the views, and just be. 


  • Follow up consultations with both practitioners to discuss help with the integration of The Reset principles and discuss any observations, adjustments and suggestions moving forward. 

  • Discounted ayurvedic treatments and yoga therapy sessions to continue your journey 



Saturday 2nd November: 

  • 3pm arrival, settling in, and welcome drinks 
    A discussion of Ayurveda and its basic principles, and a yoga practice to embody those learnings 

  • Gentle pre-dinner walk to spark digestive fire and shift any stagnancy 

  • A light home-made dinner of dal, rice and vegetables cooked with aromatic and digestive spices 

  • A discussion on ayurveda and dinacharya (daily routines) and creation of an Ayurvedic evening routine 

  • A guided meditation to help soothe you into sleep 

Sunday 3rd November: 

  • A morning routine, guided by your facilitators, with your Dinacharya starter packs 

  • Sunrise walk around the property 

  • Deeper exploration of morning self-care rituals in an ayurvedic workshop 

  • Ayurvedic breakfast of spiced oats and poached fruit? 

  • S p a c e . . . 

  • A group yoga therapy workshop and practice on the basic principles of individualised yoga therapy, and how to apply them to your own being 

  • Ayurvedic lunch 

  • Digestive walk 

  • S p a c e . . .  

  • Ayurvedic dietetics workshop and optional cooking class 

  • Ayurvedic dinner and open discussions 

  • A yoga practice focusing on the subtler aspects of yoga, designed to wind you down and ground you 

  • S p a c e . . . to complete evening routines in private villas before bed 


Monday 4th November: 

  • Solo morning routines in private villas 

  • A yoga practice designed for the morning, to awaken and energise 

  • Ayurvedic breakfast 

  • Final digestive walk around property 

  • Parting discussions in circle before leaving Seascape at 11am 


What you'll take away 

  • An ayurvedic dinacharya starter pack (stainless steel tongue scraper, dry brush, ayurvedic massage oil, nasya oil) 

  • An ayurvedic digestive tea blend 

  • Bound, personalised workbook containing all the tools and knowledge learned throughout the retreat 


The Property: 

Seascape Retreat is a 75-acre property in Hindmarsh Valley, along the Fleurieu Peninsula, in South Australia. It is positioned amongst rolling hills and natural bushland, with views all the way down to the ocean. The essence of Seascape provides a sanctuary and perfect place to retreat, nurture and reset. With alpacas, sheep and agisted horses roaming its paddocks, along with ample kangaroos and joeys calling this place home, there is no doubt that you too will feel at peace here during your stay. 


The Villas: 

Seascape Retreat has three villas available to accommodate two guests per villa. All villas have the option for luxury king-sized beds or split singles, depending on your preference. Villas are equipped with their own bathrooms, kitchens and dining spaces. However, the property also has a private main dwelling, which we will gratefully have access to for our retreat. It is here that we will come together for yoga, meditation, workshops, cooking demonstrations and of course – to eat all our Ayurvedic meals. Each building on the property has window-to-ocean views capturing the valley’s rolling hills down towards the sea.  


Each pair can choose from the three beautiful villas available at Seascape Retreat. These villas have different sizes and decor, and therefore respective pricing structures; thus, we have three prices depending on which villa you choose.  

  1. Sanctuary Villa – RRP $2499, Early Bird $2299 (per person)  

  1. Serenity Villa - RRP $2399, Early Bird $2199 (per person) 

  1. Sky Villa – RRP $2299, Early Bird $2099 (per person) 

Note: the running of this retreat is subject to selling out of all 6 tickets / 3 villas. If the retreat does not sell out, you will be reimbursed your deposit/payments. Early bird ends August 30th 2024.



Payments can be made for the villa (for two people) in full via the Modern Ayurvedic website or please email if you would like to arrange instalments or need further information.  

If you are attending alone (without someone to share the villa with) and open to sharing a room with someone in a similar position, then please email Madeleine to discuss options. You will be placed on a 'waitlist' until another person registers a similar interest. 


We're looking forward to sharing this immersive experience with you to help you reset. 

G + M  

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