Image by Dose Juice
Struggling with your digestion? Think you have IBS? According to Ayurveda there are several types of IBS. If you're unsure of your IBS type then you can take the Ayurvedic IBS test. Here is your low-down on Vata-IBS.
Cause: Agni is diminished by an excess of the light, dry + rough qualities
Qualities accumulate, or are held, in the colon + nervous system
Most aggravating foods:
- all that good stuff you've been having
- raw food
- cold food
- bitter greens (eg. kale)
- alkalising foods
- green juices
- dandeloin tea
- reishi (+ mushrooms)
- smoothies
- smoothie bowls
Most aggravating food habits:
- prolonged calorie restriction
- excess fasting
- insufficient food for your natural constitution
- poor food combinations (eg. alkalising foods with banana, yoghurt + fruit)*
Most aggravating emotions:
- Distance
- Alienation
- Separation
- Lack of support
- Worry
Most aggravating spiritual habit
- Ignoring your bodies instinct + intuition
- Warm wholesome foods
- Root vegetables
- Basmati rice
- Ghee
- Stewed fruits
- Soaked + skinned nuts
- Warm cooked oats
- Soups
- Stews
- Tahini
- Cumin, ginger, ajwain + fennel
- Plus many more - variety is the key, most important is the quality (soft, warm, warm, warm...)
Food habits
- Take small, frequent meals
- Eat when hungry (do not ignore it)
- Grounding exercise
- Light yoga
- Walking
- Calming (deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing, actually just breathe!)
Most healing practice
- Stop what it is in this list that you are doing!!!
It's hard. They're habits. But stop. We mean it. You need to break the self-sabotage link. You are worth more. Ayurveda says unless you eliminate the cause you cannot heal your gut.
If nothing on this list sounds like you, then write a list of the thing(s) you do e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. The foods or food habits you are attached to. That is what a-c-c-u-m-u-l-a-t-e-s. Accumulation = the first stage of dis-ease.
Triphala is the best Ayurvedic formulation for IBS.
*Ayurveda has A LOT to say about 'proper' food pairing. We will be writing a note soon.
If you could do with a reset we’d love to see in our Adelaide Ayurveda clinic. ✨
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