science RSS
Thought of the Day // Presence
Ayurveda is without time, she knows only the 5 elements. Similarly your body is without time, it knows only the 5 elements.
Ayurveda 101 // Mind-gut connection
What is the mind-gut connection? Ayurveda sees it as a principle of agni.
Ayurveda 101 // Pitta body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Pitta dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?
Ayurveda 101 // Ayurveda's elements
The symbolism in Ayurveda's elements, the human body and your gateway to parallel worlds.
Ayurveda 101 // Anatomy of Vata
Ayurveda's perspective on the anatomy of the spirit and Chakras.
Ayurveda 101 // Vata body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Vata dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?
Ayurveda 101 // Anatomy of Pitta
Ayurveda's perspective on Pitta, the liver and transformation.
Ayurveda 101 // Ayurveda's mind
Ayurveda's perspective on the mind, mental health and the voices in your head.
Ayurveda 101 // Kapha body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Kapha dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?
Ayurveda's herbs // Turmeric
Ayurveda's take on the golden spice turmeric. How to use turmeric as a medicine.