ayurveda 101 RSS
DIY Ayurvedic Medicine
How to make your own medicinal herbal infusions
Ayurveda 101 // Daily Routine
How to establish a healthy daily routine with Ayurveda
Ayurveda 101 // Digestion
We notice that many people coming to our Adelaide Ayurveda clinic are unsure of what defines 'normal' when it comes to the human body. What are the signs of good Agni and normal digestion? Let's see what Ayurveda has to say.
Ayurveda 101 // Agni
Ayurveda's take on agni - the King of metabolism + cornerstone of health.
Ayurveda 101 // Mind-gut connection
What is the mind-gut connection? Ayurveda sees it as a principle of agni.
Ayurveda 101 // Pitta body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Pitta dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?
Ayurveda 101 // Ayurveda's elements
The symbolism in Ayurveda's elements, the human body and your gateway to parallel worlds.
Ayurveda 101 // Anatomy of Vata
Ayurveda's perspective on the anatomy of the spirit and Chakras.
Ayurveda 101 // Vata body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Vata dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?
Ayurveda 101 // Anatomy of Pitta
Ayurveda's perspective on Pitta, the liver and transformation.
Ayurveda 101 // Kapha body type
Ayurveda body talk. What is Kapha dosha in modern Ayurveda terms?